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We would like to announce that MoveYou will be present at Uniti Expo – The leading retail petroleum and car wash trade fair in Europe which will take place in Stuttgart on 17-19 May 2022.

We will present our new line of products at glance thanks to an exclusive cooperation with Worldline. MoveYou will be able to provide a user interface which will allow our customers and partners to manage their fuel and charging cards effectively in an “all in one host.” A unique solution which offers automatic balancing of fuel and EV spendings, full risk balancing and an integrated customer service portal.

Innovative payment solutions like the “EVPay Valina” – a payment terminal for charging points providing users with the possibility to just use their debit card, fuel card or the brand new “Cloud Connect”, a device which gives broad AI based data insides from the fuel stations. You will be able to see all this at the exposition.

Sound interesting? Request a free admission ticket via the following link:

We are looking forward to seeing you!