At MoveYou, we believe that the success of Mobility as a Service (MaaS) depends on the ability to let travelers move without obstacles.
This means that, in an ideal world, trips can be made with one user-friendly application that allows travelers to move freely. From domestic to international travel, using any desired mode of transportation.
With our platform, we help in realizing this solution.
Data is going to play an increasingly important role in the innovations of mobility. By using data it is possible to see where there are bottlenecks in traffic and transport. In addition, data can be used to determine the needs of travelers. This makes mobility more transparent and allows for more targeted solutions to traffic problems and to make traffic more sustainable.
Many travelers have the habit of traveling by car. Simply because this is the easiest way to travel for a lot of people. This is not a sustainable form of travel, and with the new plans for the future of our climate, it is vital that this habitual behavior is changed. By providing alternatives and making it easy for travelers to travel in a different way, habitual behavior can change.
With data, it is therefore possible to identify bottlenecks, but also to develop apps that make it possible to plan, book and pay for trips. We are talking about Mobility as a Service (MaaS) applications. You can read more about this in one of our previous blogs. These applications provide a traveler (you as a person) with a barrier-free form of mobility by enabling the planning, booking and payment of a trip.
To be able to develop such a MaaS application, it is important for developers of apps that data standards are used for the application. This means that agreements are made about the way in which data is shared. For example, about the availability of shared bicycles at a specific location or the time that a train or bus arrives or departs. To make this information available to every traveler, the TOMP API was developed.
TOMP-API stands for Transport Operator to Mobility Provider-Application Programming Interface. More simply put, it is a standardized interface between the MaaS service provider and the transport operator. Through this API, different carriers of, for example, public transport, shared transport and parking spaces (service providers) can exchange various data with the mobility provider- this is the provider whose app the traveler has on his phone. After the data is visible in the app, the mobility provider sends the booking and payment via the TOMP API to the service provider.
What does MoveYou do with TOMP-API?
And then of course an important question is what exactly does MoveYou do with this data? MoveYou has several APIs within its services, namely a Parking and EV-Charge API. All of these APIs are ”TOMP-ready”. This means that any party that wants an API that conforms to the TOMP standard can purchase one from MoveYou. This allows you to extend a mobility app with parking or charging services according to the TOMP protocol.