As a MoveYou customer, we not only help you save on travel time and costs, you also reduce your Co2 emissions. To let you travel more sustainable and offer you the personal experience of MoveYou, we need to see how you travel. We do this by following your journey. Data, data and more data. Because we are aware that we are working with someone else’s data, we handle it with integrity and care. How do we do that? 

Handle data with care

Be aware that you are working with someone else’s personal data and act accordingly. Handle the data exactly as you would want your data to be handled by others.

Know the rules and policy

Make sure you study MoveYou’s policy and rules on personal data.

Communicate carefully

Realize that clients have the right to see their personal data, including your email if it is in there. If you write about clients, write it in such a way that that email can also appear on the front page of The Telegraph tomorrow.

Integrity is key

Integrity is key; don’t share data with others just like that. This applies not only within MoveYou, but also outside the organization.

Make good passwords

Make sure you have a good password. A passphrase is even better. Replace letters with numbers and symbols. Something like “M0bilityi$futur€22”, but of course different!


Speak to your colleagues if you see that customer personal data is not handled carefully. Conversely, be open to feedback and change.

Having doubts? Ask!

Do you doubt you are acting correctly with personal data? Ask the management or the data protection officer via

Report data breach

Do you suspect a data breach? Study the data breach protocol and report it as soon as possible!

Good riddance!

Do not leave paperwork lying around on your desk and lock your computer when you leave your workplace.

Think along together!

Last but certainly not least: Think along! Do you have ideas on how we can handle data even better together? Are you missing any information? Share it!