Uniti Expo 2024

MoveYou at the Uniti Expo 2024 – The Recap!

Last week, we had the pleasure of participating in Uniti Expo 2024. The largest event in the world of gas stations, charging stations, car wash, and innovative solutions. We proudly look back on an extraordinarily successful experience, where we not only met existing customers but also welcomed new partners and established valuable connections.

It was inspiring to see how our products for Forecourt Management, Payment Solutions, and E-mobility sparked great interest. The enthusiastic responses and positive feedback from our customers confirmed that we are on the right track with our innovative Cloud Based Platform.

We spoke with existing customers, met new parties, and shared our knowledge and experience. The lively conversations we had testify to a shared passion for progress and sustainable development within our industry.

Uniti Expo 2024
Uniti Expo 2024

We would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere appreciation for the presence of all visitors at our booth. Your positive reactions, interest, and engagement have made this experience even more valuable.

It is our mission not only to deliver high-quality products and services but also to contribute to a better world. We believe that our work is about striving for innovation, sustainability, and improving business and society as a whole.

As MoveYou, we look forward to further strengthening the relationships we have built during Uniti Expo and collaborating on a future driven by progress and change. Our thanks go to everyone who contributed to the success of this event, and we look forward to future encounters and collaborations.

Uniti Expo, we’ll see each other again in 2026!